Secondary vocational education

Leeuwenborgh is a regional training centre in Sittard-Geleen offering unique programmes and exciting education with the best in educational guidance and supervision.

Leeuwenborgh provides vocational education and training programmes from centres in Maastricht and Sittard. All programmes have their own distinctive profile and a fixed team of instructors. One unique facility at Leeuwenborgh is the Aviation Competence Centre, the knowledge and training centre for aviation technology.

Leeuwenborgh offers a broad spectrum of programmes at a variety of levels and directed towards a number of different target groups. The programmes are taught either in the classroom or as practical training at work placement companies or businesses that opt to offer in-service training. There is an abundance of options to choose from.

At Leeuwenborgh, most programmes are available in three programme variants, of which the professional training track, or BOL (beroepsopleidende leerweg), is the most common. Under this track you take day courses combined with a number of different work placements. In the apprenticeship track, or BBL (beroepsbegeleidende leerweg), you combine work and study. This is for students who have an employment contract for 20-32 hours per week with an accredited work placement company. This is not to say that if you do not have a job you cannot pursue the BBL track.

Leeuwenborgh's Work & Work Placement Office is happy to sit down with you to look for a suitable job to allow you to start a BBL programme. Companies also use the Work & Work Placement Office to locate trainees or prospective new personnel.

Adults can also take advantage of a number of part-time BOL programmes. These combine work, study, and work placements (often involving night classes).

Continuing studiesOur level-4 programmes are a good foundation for continuing into higher professional education. You can pursue continuing studies or a higher professional education programme at a number of institutions. Leeuwenborgh Regional Training Centre works closely with Zuyd University of Applied Sciences

To learn more about what programmes are available, take a look at our list of programmes on
